Blog post #4
Link to advertisement being analyzed: 1) A core assumption of social judgment theory is that your attitudinal anchor influences how you evaluate a persuasive message. For example, when viewing the Rolex advertisement that I am analyzing in this blog post, one might experience high or low ego-involvement . According to our textbook, ego-involvement refers to, "the importance or certainty of an issue to a person's life, often demonstrated by a membership in a group with a known stand (Griffin, Ledbetter, Sparks, 2019, pg. 173)." In terms of this specific Rolex advertisement, those who are extremely wealthy and members of the upper class are likely to demonstrate high ego-involvement when viewing it, because they are the top one percent who can afford the product. Generally speaking, Rolex's symbolize wealth and elitism, which is why well off individuals may experience high ego-involvement when viewing this advertisement....