Blog Posting #1
1) Personally, I disagree with the statement, "A violation can never be positive." For example, within expectancy violations theory , the term violation valence refers to, "the perceived positive or negative value assigned to a breach of expectations, regardless of who the violator is (Griffin, Ledbetter, and Sparks, 2019, pg. 85)." In other words, if an individual violates a social expectation or normality, it can be positive depending on the receivers perception of the action. Generally speaking, within the United States, personal space is something that we are taught to respect from a very young age. Most individuals feel extremely uncomfortable when another person invades their personal space or touches them without consent. However, in some cases, violating personal space can be perceived as positive reinforcement. For example, patting someone on the back for accomplishing a strenuous task is almost always perceived as a positive because another individual is...